Admission Guidelines
- Normally admission is done only in Nursery class. Those seeking admission to Nursery should be within the age group of three on July 1st for the admission. The age required for other classes depend on vacancies, and information regarding them can be had from the school office/notice board a few days before the commencement of the new academic session.
- Admission is done on the basis of the present criteria. Offer of donations, brining influence to bear on the management with a view to gain admission etc. will entail disqualification of the candidate.
- The application for Admission/Registration should be accompanied by an authentic document containing the child’s date of birth. We accept date of birth certificates only from the Corporation or Municipality or Punchayath secretory. Affidavit or Hospital Certificate will not be accepted. A student coming from an affiliated and recognized school must produce a counter signed T.C. with a clear mention of date of birth.
- A pupil failing to be promoted may have to discontinue his studies in the school. A pupil failing twice in the same class must discontinue his/her studies in the school.
- Absence from one or more subjects involves the loss of grades and excludes the pupil from being reckoned in the order or rank in the examination or from receiving a prize.
- Promotion will be granted on the basis of the whole year’s work of the pupil.
- To determine eligibility for promotion the average of all the examinations will be considered. There will be no retest or supplementary.
- The principal reserves to himself the right to refuse admission to any student without furnishing any reasons.
- Parents must come for the admission.
- Birth certificate
- Transfer certificate
- Mark Sheet.
- SSSM id is compulsory.
- Bank A/c No. (1st to 8th SC and OBC boys 7 girls.
- Address and contact number must be given correctly.
- Colour photos - 3
(SC/OBC 6th to 8th boys and girls both A/c No. caste certificate is compulsory. SC 1st to 5th only Girls A/c No., and caste certificate is compulsory.)
- Adhar Card, SSSMID, caste certificate of father, colour photos –5, Ration card of father, Mul niwassi..
I Mr. Mrs.______________________________________ have submitted all the above documents into the school at the time of admission.
Sign with Name
© Karan International School